
目前顯示的是 10月, 2010的文章


我呼出的氣在祢裡面, 祢用甘霖澆灌我, 將我包圍在祢之中。 雖然祢我看似分離, 但對祢卻是再熟悉不過了。 包容我的過錯、無知與愚痴, 就如這空間的虛無容納無以計數的能量; 轉化我的憤怒、妒忌與瘋狂, 就像大火燒熔轉化物質一般。 祢巨大的作為看似無作為, 與祢的作為比起來, 我的任何困境已微不足道, 甚至在祢裡面, 困境已變成助力, 使我成長再成長。


在沒有觀察態度及頭腦介入的「觀」中, 情緒、欲望與感覺的升起與消滅是自動的, 其中維持時間長短的條件取決於個人價值觀, 最後會有一契機出現, 使情緒、欲望與感覺消滅殆盡。

Me And Bobby McGee in the style of "Janis Joplin"

老天,我投降了-->卡拉OK版的「Me And Bobby McGee 」。 Me and Bobby McGee Janis Joplin (As recorded by Janis Joplin) KRIS KRISTOFFERSON FRED FOSTER Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin' fer a train When I's feeling nearly faded as my jeans Bobby thumbed a diesel down, just before it rained And rode us all the way to New Orleans I pulled my harpoon out of my dirty red bandana I's playing soft while Bobby sung the blues, n-yeah Windshield wipers slapping time I's, holding Bobby's hand in mine We sang every song that driver knew Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose Nothing, I mean nothing honey if it ain't free, no no Yeah feeling good was easy Lord when he sang the blues You know feeling good was good enough for me Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee. From Kentucky coal mine to the California sun Yeah Bobby shared the secrets of my soul Through all kinds of weather, through everything we done Yeah Bobby baby kept me

Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha - Rag Charukeshi